Commercial real estate can be one of the smartest investments you can make, but you have to consider numerous factors before you proceed with any investment. Aggressive real estate investors are always interested in speculative opportunities in up-and-coming markets, but many prefer turnkey properties that offer steady cash flow from tenants. Whatever your situation may be, our team at Ferstl Valuation Services is always a phone call away when you’re ready to schedule a consultation. We’ve been offering trusted real estate appraisals in Little Rock since 1967, and we’re ready to put our experience to work for you!
If you’re encountering any real estate issues or considering any new ventures, our certified appraisers and staff are ready to assist you. We’re always happy to sit down with you and review any current or future investment opportunities, and our real estate consulting services include (but are not limited to):
Appraisal Reviews-Every real estate transaction should start with a proper fair market valuation, and we can provide independent appraisals or reports that comment on the completeness and apparent accuracy of an existing appraisal. We can also perform an insurance valuation to ensure that a piece of property is neither under or over-insured.
Market Research-Property valuations are based on supply and demand, which is challenging to quantify accurately. We can perform macroeconomic analyses that examine the general market conditions as well as pricing or the demographics of demand for a specific area or property type. We can also perform marketability studies to help you determine a specific highest and best use and project an appropriate tenant mix for properties you’re considering for your portfolio.
Investment and Feasibility Analysis-An investment analysis reflects the relationship between acquisition price and anticipated future benefits of a real estate investment based on your risk and return requirements. We typically use future free cash flow projections and discount them to arrive at a present value, which is then used to evaluate the potential for investment. The analysis enables you to “look before you leap” and enables you to determine if it’s financially feasible to proceed with the investment. Sometimes, the best investments are the ones that you don’t make, and we’re here to help you make an informed decision!
For more information about real estate consulting services in Little Rock, contact us online or at (501) 313-0641.